
团队中人际信任动态性的实证研究 被引量:4

An Empirical Research on Dynamics of Interpersonal Trust
摘要 实证分析了成立不同阶段团队的人际信任的动态变化特征。通过问卷对成立1个月、半年、1年3个时段的46个任务团队的98个样本获取人际信任的数据,分析结果表明:在团队运行过程中,情感型信任水平将不断提高。团队运行到一定阶段,情感型信任水平较以往达到最高水平,认知型信任水平则降低。表明团队人际信任随着时间的变化具有显著动态特征。 This paper addresses the characteristics of interpersonal trust in different periods of team collaboration. Based on the study of a data set of 46 effective team samples (98 effective individual samples) that has cooperated for 1 month, half year, and 1 year, it finds that: during the process of team cooperation, the emotional trust has enhanced and reach its peak, whereas cognition trust has reduced. This indicated that interpersonal trust is significantly varied with time.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期45-48,57,共5页 Soft Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(10AGL002) 钱江人才计划C类一般项目
关键词 人际信任 动态性 情感型信任 认知型信任 interpersonal trust dynamics emotional trust cognition trust
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