对影响珍稀阴生观叶花木试管苗生根的几个因子──无机盐、蔗糖、活性炭的浓度进行了试验,结果表明:随着矿物元素、蔗糖与活性炭浓度的增加,试管苗生根率也增加,但当其浓度增加到一定数值后,生根率则开始呈下降趋势。生根阶段,所需大量元素与蔗糖的量较低,但应增加适量的活性炭,三者最适浓度分别为 1/2 MS,20g/L,2 g/L。
The effect of inorganic salt, sucrose and active carbon on rooting of tube seedlings of shade leaf plants was examined. The rooting rate of tube seedlings increased as the increase at certain regions of concentration of mineral matter,sucrose,and active carbon,and decrease when the concentration increased up to certain level. The amount of macronutrients and sucrose needed in rooting period was small,and active carbon needed was more. The best concentration of the three were l/2 ms, 20 g/l, and 2 g/l respectively.
Shanxi Forestry Science and Technology