我国大部分油田的开发已进入高含水阶段,通过必要治理使采出水达到油田回注水水质标准,将处理后的水回注到油层作为驱油的驱替液,可使油田实现注水二次采油。文章建立了一套300 m3/d一体化集成物化污水处理装置。本设计方案中设备使用"物理处理+化学处理+多功能含油污水处理装置处理+全自动深层过滤器"双流程处理工艺。该处理工艺是处理含油污水回注油层达到A1标准的最佳工艺。
Most of oil fields in our country have entered the high moisture content stage; therefore it is crucial to inject the treated water into the reservoir as oil displacement fluid. Oilfield water can be reused as the in secondary oil recovery by sewage treatment. A 300 m3/d integrated chemical sewage treatment device was developed for treating oily wastewater. The sewage treatment device uses double treatment process of "physical treatment+chemical treatment+multifunctional oily wastewater treatment device processing + automatic depth filters". The sewage treatment device is the best process for oily wastewater treatment to reach Al standard.
Guangdong Chemical Industry