目的了解北京市西城区健康人群白喉抗体水平,为传染病预防控制工作提供科学依据。方法采集西城区10个居委会本市及外省健康人群血标本共220份,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定白喉抗体,同时调查患病史、免疫史及人口学特征。结果白喉抗体阳性率为78.64%,抗体几何平均浓度(GMC)为0.421 IU/ml,不同性别、不同户籍白喉抗体阳性率和GMC比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.244,P=0.622;t=0.841,P=0.401)。≥20岁人群白喉抗体阳性率和GMC随年龄增长和免疫后时间延长而逐渐下降。结论预测西城区近期不会发生白喉暴发流行;当出现白喉流行迹象时,建议对成人开展白破疫苗加强免疫。
Objective To know the diphtheria antibody level in healthy population in Xicheng district of Beijing, and to provide scientific basis for preventing diphtheria. Methods Totally 220 serum samples were collected from the local and floating population in 10 communities of Xicheng District. The diphtheria antibody was determined with ELISA. Results The diphtheria antibody positive rate was 78.64% , and the geometric mean concentration (GMC) was 0. 421 IU/ml. There was no significant difference of the antibody positive rate and GMC between different genders and household registers. A trend of decreasing in the antibody concentration was observed with increasing age and years after immunization in healthy people above 20 years old. Conclusion It was predicted that diphtheria outbreak would not occur recently in Xicheng district. It is suggested to conduct diphtheria tetanus booster immunization for the adults in the event of showing the sign of diphtheria epidemic.
Capital Journal of Public Health