本文以一种市售微生态制剂为试材 ,对其产生的抑菌活性物质的生化性质做了研究 ,发现该抑菌物质显示活性的pH范围为 4.0~ 6 .0 ,pH值变化对其活性影响较大 ,pH值为 7.0时活性全部消失 ;该活性物质对热不敏感 ,12 1℃处理 30min后 ,其活性无明显变化 ;紫外光照射也不能使它失活 ;随发酵时间的延长 ,发酵液中的抑菌活性物质逐渐增加。根据其生化性质可以判断该抑菌物质是一种分子量较小 ,结构较简单的多肽 ,具有广谱抑菌性 ,对一些常见的食物腐败菌和致病菌均有较好的抑制作用。它不仅能抑制革兰氏阳性菌 。
A kind of antibacterial substance produced by Lactobacillus plantarum from microecological modulator was studied in this paper. Some biochemical characteristics of it was studied. It was pH dependent and heat stable. The antibacterial substance was found to be stable between pH 4 and 6 and under strong heating conditions (121℃ for 30 min). Antimicrobial activity of the substance wasn't lost after treatment with Ultraviolet light. Antimicrobial activity gradually increased during the fermentation. The antibacterial substance showed wide range of action, inhibiting the growth of several food borne pathogens and food spoilage bacteria including Bacillus cereus,Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium pefringens, Enterococcus coli, Listeria spp., Salmonella spp., and Staphylococcus aures.
Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University