目的了解广州市2011年居民主要死因及各类疾病的危害程度,为制定疾病预防和控制措施提供决策依据。方法 2011年人口资料由广州市卫生局提供。死因监测资料来自2011年广州市死因登记报告信息系统报告的死亡病例。疾病分类按ICD-10进行分类编码,对2011年广州市居民死亡数据进行描述性流行病学分析,通过死亡率、期望寿命、去死因期望寿命、减寿年数等指标分析居民死亡和减寿的主要原因。结果 2011年广州市居民通过死因登记报告信息系统报告的死亡病例44 262例,粗死亡率为544.47/10万,标化率为336.45/10万,男性死亡率为612.50/10万,标化率为431.12/10万;女性死亡率为474.66/10万,标化率为248.26/10万,男性高于女性(P<0.01);前6位死因依次为:恶性肿瘤、心脏病、呼吸系统疾病、脑血管病、诊断不明、伤害,死亡率分别为133.44/10万、101.82/10万、100.68/10万、73.70/10万、31.54/10万、26.53/10万;期望寿命为80.83岁,去除恶性肿瘤、心血管疾病和呼吸系统疾病后,预期寿命可分别增加3.81、2.78和2.73岁;以减寿年数(PYLL)计,导致潜在寿命损失的前6位死因为恶性肿瘤、心脏病、呼吸系统疾病、脑血管病、诊断不明、伤害,分别为107 716.00、81 414.00、81 106.50、61 978.50、26 523.00、22 232.50年。结论慢性疾病,特别是恶性肿瘤、心脑血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病等疾病正严重威胁广州市居民的身体健康。加强对这些慢性病的防治是广州市卫生工作的重点,尤其是预防恶性肿瘤的发生,提高其早诊早治水平对减少寿命损失有重要意义。
Objective To analyze the main causes of death and the potential years of life lost (PYLL) among residents in Guangzhou in 2011. Methods The population data in 2011 were provided by the Health Bureau of Guangzhou City. The data of death causes of Guangzhou in 2011 were obtained from the registry and report system of death causes. The causes of death were classified according to ICD-10. The leading causes of death and the potential life loss among residents in Guangzhou in 2011 were evaluated by the mortality rate, life expectancy, cause-deleted life expectancy and PYLL. Results There were 44 262 cases of deaths in Guangzhou in 2011. The mortality rate was 544. 47/100 000 ( standardized rate was 336.45/100 000 ) in 2011. The mortality rates were 612. 50/100 000 (standardized rate was 431.12/100 000) in male and 474. 66/100 000 (standardized rate was 248.26/100 000) in female. The mortality in male was significantly higher than that in female( P 〈 0. 01 ). The six leading causes of death were malignant neoplasms, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, acatalepsy, and injury, and their death rates were 133.44/100 000, 101.82/100 000, 100. 68/100 000, 73.70/100 000, 31.54/100 000, and 26. 53/100 000, respectively. The life expectancy was 80. 83 years. It would increase 3.81,2. 78, and 2. 73 years if removing the three leading causes of death. Their PYLL were 107 716. 00, 81 414. 00, 81 106. 50, 61 978.50, 26 523.00, and 22 232. 50 years. Conclusion The chronic diseases, especially, extraordinary malignant neoplasms, heart diseases, and respiratory diseases were the main causes of deaths in Guangzhou in 2011. The prevention and treatment of malignant neoplasms, heart diseases, respiratory diseases should be the focus of health care in Guangzhou. In particular, the prevention of tumorigenesis and the early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to the reduction of population life lost.
South China Journal of Preventive Medicine
Mortality rate
Life tables
Potential years of life lost