The worldwide financial meltdown which caused by the USA subprime mortgage crisis broke out in 2008, It has led to the relationship between real estate market and financial market becoming more and more important. In this paper, we take real estate stock index as a variable that on behalf of the real estate development tendency, with Real Estate Stock index and Financial Stock index in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, use FIGARCH model that is able to measure the correlation of return and tail risk to study the impact of Real Estate Stock Market on Financial Stock Market's return and volatility. At the same time, we have a discussion of the United States Financial Crisis's impact on China market, and choose the date September 15, 2008 to break the sample into two sub-periods: pre-crisis and post-crisis to conduct a comparative analysis. Our findings reveal that the FIGARCH models which investigate the long memory of series are robust; There are a significant relationship be- tween real estate stocks and financial stocks, the volatility and return of real estate stocks have a significant positive impact on financial stocks; Moreover, it has a significant lagged influences, but because investors will be more cautions due to the emerging fluctuation in the real estate market, so the lagged impact is a negative value; Therefore, according to the principle of postponement generation of information, the predicted effect that real estate stock performance on financial stocks is negative. The pre-crisis impact of the real estate volatility is greater than in post-crisis, and the return's impact is greater in post-crisis. Given the significant impact of the real estate market on the financial industry, management department should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the real estate's development to make sure that financial market operate smoothly. The research findings will help to develop a more reasonable regulation and oversight policy, and make China's stock market more stable.
Nankai Business Review
Real Estate Stock
Financial Stock
Financial Crisis