
罗马法上要物合同的成立结构及其现代启示 被引量:3

The Constitution Structure of Real Contract in Roman Law and Its Inspiration
摘要 在罗马法上,要物合同是当事人期望以"给物"的模式产生债的协议。"给物"是其发生根据,"协议"是当事人产生此债的目的性要素。关于何谓要物合同,罗马法上要物合同所具备的合同属性及其成立所涉及的客观方面交付物与主观方面当事人达成合意这些元素仍为现代法提供了不少启示。如果以此为据评论当前的学术主张,可以看到主张要物合同不是合同的学说以及认为交付乃要物合同的生效要件的学说皆欠缺说服力。实际上,要物合同无非是通过交付达成的合意。由是观之,要物合同与合意主义不存在明显的逻辑冲突。 In the Roman law,obligatio re contracta is convention that the contracting parties contracted in the mode of giving the res credita.In the constitution structure,to give is the foundation of the formation of real contracts,convention is the subjective essential factor to create the obligation.About what is real contract,obligatio re contracta in Roman law can give inspiration to modern law in the aspects of its contract nature and its constitution elements which need the objective level giving re and the subjective level contracting convention.Reviewing the arguments today according to the above mentioned,it will be found that the opinion which insisting that real contract is not contract and which insisting that delivery is the effective element and not the constituent element in the real contract is not persuasive.In fact,real contract is the convention which is contracted by the delivery.Accordingly,real contract dosen't not conflict with consensualism.
作者 蒋军洲
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期143-150,共8页 Hebei Law Science
基金 河南省政府决策研究招标课题<西方慈善捐赠的法律制度安排及其镜鉴>(2012B212)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 要物合同 罗马法 成立结构 合意主义 real contract Roman law the constitution strcture consensualism
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