目的研究补肾固筋方对膝骨性关节炎实验兔IL-1、TNF-α水平的影响。方法选用8月龄左右健康雄性新西兰大白兔36只,随机分成4组:A组(正常组),B组(模型组),C组(西药组)、D组(中药组);每组9只,适应性饲养1 w后用Hulth法造模,观察2 w无感染情况根据动物与人之间药物剂量的换算灌药,连续给药8 w后,取右后肢膝关节软骨面及滑液制作标本。肉眼观察形态、色泽、硬度、关节液量等变化;David T关节X线分度法;用HE染色法光镜下观察组织细胞的改变,采用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)研究补肾固筋方对骨关节炎模型动物的关节液中IL-1、TNF-α的影响。结果 (1)肉眼观察:C组和D组兔膝关节软骨外观呈蓝白色,滑膜炎性表现明显轻于B组。(2)X线表现及HE染色光镜观察:B组与A组比较,B组膝关节内侧间隙明显变窄,关节面粗糙变形,明显有骨赘形成;光镜下B组存在软骨细胞成簇现象。C组与B组比较,D组膝关节内侧间隙变窄,关节面粗糙,关节边缘有轻微骨赘形成;光镜下软骨细胞增生显著,但成簇现象少。D组与B组比较,C组膝关节内侧间隙变窄,介于B组和D组之间;软骨表面不甚光滑。(3)IL-1、TNF-α的含量测定:与A组比较,B组动物关节液IL-1、TNF-a的含量明显升高,有显著性差异(P<0.01);给药8 w后,C组和D组动物滑膜液中IL-1、TNF-a的含量明显降低,与B组比较有明显差异(P<0.05),D组和C组之间无明显差异。结论 (1)补肾固筋方增进软骨基质的合成,抑制软骨基质的降解,促进关节软骨的修复。(2)补肾固筋方抑制关节液中IL-1、TNF-α的分泌,促进软骨的修复,延缓软骨的退变,抑制了滑膜炎症反应,提高机体免疫力。
Objective To investigate the effect of Bushengujin prescription on the expression of IL-1 and TNF-ct in knee osteoarthritis in rabbits. Methods Thirty-six 8-month healthy male New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups : Group A (normal group), Group B ( model group), Group C (western medicine group), and Group D ( TCM group). Each group had 9 rabbits. Model establishment was performed using Hulth method after 1-week adaptive feeding. Two-week consecutive observation of infection was performed. Eight-week continuous administration was performed according to the dose conversion between animals and humans. Then the right hind limb knee cartilage surface and slip liquid were collected as specimen. The changes of shape, color, hardness, and synovial fluid volume were observed. David T joint X-ray indexing method was used. The changes of the cells were observed using HE staining under light microscope.Expression of IL-1、TNF-α in synovial fluid in osteoarthritis model animals was detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results Rabbit knee cartilage in Group C and Group D presented blue and white, and the synovitis was significantly lighter than that in Group B. X-ray findings of HE staining observed by light microscopy: knee medial gap in Group B was significantly narrower than that in Group A. Rough articular surface deformation and obvious osteophyte formation could be observed. Under optical microscope, chondrocyte clusters phenomenon in Group B could be observed. Compared with Group B, knee medial gap in Group D group was narrower, articular surface was rougher, and the joint margins showed slight osteophyte formation. Significant chondrocyte proliferation under light microscope could be observed but with less clustering phenomenon. Compared with Group B and Group D, knee medial gap in Group C was narrower, in the median of Group B and Group D. And cartilage surface was not very smooth. Compared with that in Group A, IL-1 and TNF-α content in synovial
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis