目的:了解艾滋相关支原体在男性HIV/AIDS患者中的感染情况及其对免疫功能的影响,分析其在疾病进展中的作用。方法:以江苏省疾病预防控制中心确认的100例男性HIV/AIDS患者为研究对象,进行支原体检测、CD4+T细胞计数及细胞因子检测。分类资料用频数和百分比进行统计描述,用卡方检验进行统计分析。结果:3种艾滋病相关支原体Mg、Mf、Mpi的感染率分别为22.0%、7.0%、23.0%。感染了艾滋病相关支原体的男性HIV/AIDS患者外周血IL-4水平明显高于未感染艾滋病相关支原体的男性HIV/AIDS患者(WIL-4=627 2.0,P=0.015),而TNF-α水平明显低于未感染艾滋病相关支原体的男性HIV+/AIDS患者(WTNF-α=840 05.5,P=0.016)。结论:江苏省男性HIV/AIDS患者存在较高致病性支原体的感染,应引起临床重视。支原体感染与男性HIV/AIDS患者细胞免疫状况相关,须进一步通过前瞻性研究探索支原体与HIV感染在影响宿主免疫功能中的交互作用。
Objective: To investigate the prevalence and the immune effect of AIDS-associated Mycoplasmas in male HIV/AIDS patients. Methods: 100 HIV/AIDS patients from Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control were recruited in this study.PCR was used for Mycoplasmas detection,CD4+ T cell was counted through flow cytometry,and Elisa was conducted for cytokine detection.The data were analyzed through description and χ2. Results: The prevalence of Mg,Mf and Mpi were 22.0%,7.0% and 23.0%,respectively.The IL-4 level of Mycoplasmas infected HIV/AIDS patients was higher than the negative ones,but the TNF-α level showed different results. Conclusion: More attention should be paid for Mycoplasmas infection in HIV/AIDS patients.The prevalence of Mycoplasmas is associated with the immune status,well-designed prospective study should be conducted to make clear the role of Mycoplasmas infection in HIV/AIDS patients.
Journal of Southeast University(Medical Science Edition)