通过对蛋白膜进行拉伸强度,水蒸气透过率、吸水性、接触角、AFM和DSC测定,研究不同浓度的异丙醇溶液制备玉米醇溶蛋白膜性质。结果表明:随异丙醇浓度的增加,拉伸强度逐渐增加,浓度为90%时达到最大值57.7 MPa。水蒸气透过率和吸水性随着浓度的增加而降低,浓度为90%时,最低值为0.075×10-8g m/(m2 h Pa)和37.2%;接触角实验表明:异丙醇浓度为90%时,接触角最大为67°,蛋白膜具有良好的疏水性。90%异丙醇溶液制备的玉米醇溶蛋白膜进行AFM测定,结果表明:玉米醇溶蛋白形成有序的凝聚体,凝聚体之间紧密结合,形成网络结构。DSC结果表明:蛋白膜具有较高的变性温度。
The tensile strength, water vapor permeability, water absorption and the contact angle ofzein film were investigated, in order to study the influence of isopropanol concentrations on the properties of zein film. Experimental results showed that increase in the isopropanol content of solvent, the tensile strength of zein film increased until it reached a maximum about 57.7 MPa at 90% isopropanol content. As the isopropanol content of solvent increased from 70% to 95%, both Ww and water absorption of the zein film decreased and the minimum were about 0.075x 10-sg.m/(m2.h.Pa) and 37.2%, respectively, at 90% isopropanol content. The contact angle experiment indicated that contact angle of zein film produced from 90% isopropanol solution was 67~ and showed good waterproof properties. Measurement of AFM showed that zein dissolved in isopropyl alcohol solution formed orderly agglomerations and agglomerations condensed each other, resulting in a network structure. DSC results showed that denaturation temperature of zein film was higher than zein degeneration temperature.
Modern Food Science and Technology