党中央决定实施西部大开发战略 ,并把生态环境建设列为优先发展的位置。西部地区自然条件严酷 ,恢复林草植被难度较大 ,进行大规模的生态建设 ,必须结合实际 ,科学规划 ,有计划分步骤实施 ,加大投入 ,加强管护力度 ,依靠科技 ,提高治理效果 ,促进西部地区乃至全国经济和社会的发展。
The Party Committee has determined to implement the Westen Development Strastegy, ranking the ecological environment as one of the main parts in the fundamental construction, and listing it the first to be developed .The deteriorated ecological environment and harsh natural conditions make it a hard job to regain forest and vegetation,There are some problems in the westrn ecological construction. To carry out large scale ecological construction, we have to integrate our impementation with the concrete conditions of the area . Our plan should be scientifically organized ,well scheduled and arranged . We should also increase investment , upgrade administering effectiveness , rely on science and technology to improve management and control ,so as to promote the ecnomic and social development in the west and in our country as well.
China Population,Resources and Environment