
台湾师资培育的现状、挑战与展望——朝向“专业标准本位”的新制迈进 被引量:5

Current Status,Challenges,and Perspectives of Teacher Education in Taiwan:Toward a "Standards-based" New System
摘要 10余年来,台湾的教师教育政策发生了前所未有的巨变。1994年以后,在法制上"师范教育"为"师资培育"所取代,在精神上从一元化走向多元化,形态上公费制走向自费制、计划式走向储备式、分发制走向市场制。自2003年以后,教育实习从1学年减为1学期,实习者的身份从教师变为学生,从有酬变为付费,教师资格从检定改由统一考试决定。这些变化使台湾的师资培育呈现崭新的面貌和严峻的挑战,深深影响着教师的供需和教师专业的发展,必须妥善筹谋,并适时作必要的评估、改良或再造。师资培育多元化虽是社会发展的趋势,然而,无论如何改变,应确保师资培育"专业化"和教师素质"优质化"。如果能把握"标准本位"的原则,面对现实有效因应目前供需失衡等问题,则台湾的师资政策将朝向较理想的方向迈进。 Over past decade, teacher education policy in Taiwan has witnessed plenty of changes, such as from "normal education" to "teacher education" by law, from monism to pluralism in principle, and from government fund to self--provided, from pre--planned to market--oriented in practice. Since 2003, the practicum is shortened from one academic year to one semester, the practicum teacher is renamed as practicum student and should pay tuition fees, and the accreditation should be based on standard tests rather than by records approval. These changes present new outlooks and are expected to meet new challenges as well. It should be well--planned, fully executed, examined, and evaluated by times for further improvement. Although the pluralism--oriented model is part of the trend of social development, the policy should secure the expertise and excellence of teacher education by means of a "standards--based" teacher education model. To effectively cope with the current "over supply" problem and develop a better teacher education system in Taiwan, all the policies should follow the top priority, that is, uplifting teacher quality, which connotes both expertise and excellence.
作者 吴武典
出处 《湛江师范学院学报》 2013年第2期5-12,共8页 Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College
关键词 师资培育 教育政策 多元化 教师素质 标准本位 teacher education, educational policy, pluralism, teacher quality, standards-based
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