
欧盟气候变化多层治理机制——兼论与国际气候变化治理机制的比较 被引量:2

The European Union's Multi-level Climate Change Governance Mechanism——Plus a Comparison with the International Climate Change Governance Mechanism
摘要 欧盟在欧洲一体化过程中形成了特殊的治理模式,基于此种模式,欧盟又率先形成了地区性的气候变化治理机制,将气候治理的理念和目标分解到具体的气候政策中并取得了实效。通过该机制与国际气候变化治理机制的比较研究,进一步体现出欧盟在该领域的开创性,同时也为研究欧盟机制与治理提供了一个新的视角。 In the process of European integration, the European Union has created a special governance model,whereupon it has taken the lead in forming a regional climate change manage- ment mechanism, dividing the overarching vision and goal of climate governance into concrete cli- mate policies with verifiable success. Then through a comparison between the EU's mechanism and the international climate change management mechanism, this paper seeks to prove the Euro- pean Union's advantage in this field while providing a new perspective for studying its mechanism and governance.
作者 刘华
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期47-55,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究基金青年项目"欧盟对中国发展战略的研判与对华政策调整"(项目号:09YJCGJW008)的阶段性成果
关键词 欧盟多层治理 气候变化 国际气候变化 the European Union's multi-level governance climate change international cli-mate change
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