
欧盟气候多层治理进程中生态城市建设的内在逻辑与实践路径 被引量:1

The Inner Logic and Practical Path of Ecological City Construction in the Process of Multi-governance of the EU Climate
摘要 多层治理理论的提出源于欧盟公共事务治理实践的发展,特别是欧盟气候治理问题相关基本经验。为了克服欧盟气候治理协同合作的现实困境,欧盟经过长期的实践探索,形成了气候多层治理体系,一方面,实现了气候治理的合法性和权威在超国家层面、国家层面、次国家层面的合理分配;另一方面,基于公私关系的互动,形成了"公共——私人"网络治理体系。城市作为次国家层面的权威主体,它在欧盟气候多层治理体系中扮演着重要角色。欧盟气候多层治理视野下推动生态城市建设具有硬性逻辑、软性逻辑等两重内在逻辑。沿着这两重逻辑,一方面,从纵向上综合发挥层级公共权威体系的管辖功能;另一方面,从横向上充分利用公私关系网络体系的合作功能,是推动生态城市建设的实践路径。 Generally speaking, the theory of multi- level governance is based on the development of EU' s public affairs governance practices, especially the European Union. In order to overcome the difficulties of the EU's Climate Governance cooperation, EU has formed a multi layer governance system through long-term practice and exploration. On the one hand, EU has explored a vertical multi-level authority system, among which, the legitimacy and authority of the climate governance is allocated reasonably in the super-state level, state level, sub-state level, And on the other hand, according to the logic of the horizontal diffusion and transfer of authority, EU has explored a public-private network governance system. As the main body of the sub-state level, city is an important part of the multi-level governance system of European Union. It plays an important role in the multi-governance system. Under the perspective of multi-governance, the construction of ecological city has the dual internal logic, such as rigid logic, flexible logic. Along this dual logic, on the one hand, the comprehensive function of the level of public authority system; on the other hand, it makes full use of the cooperation between the public and private network system, is the practical path to promote the construction of eco-city.
作者 陈亮
出处 《城市学刊》 2015年第4期1-5,共5页 Journal of Urban Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(12&ZD058) 复旦大学陈树渠比较政治发展研究中心"现代国家与国际秩序"跨学科学术工作坊基金项目(CCPDS-Fudan NDKT15009) 吉林大学研究生创新基金资助项目(2015062) 吉林大学行政学院研究生创新研究计划项目(2015001)
关键词 多层治理 硬性逻辑 软性逻辑 公共权威体系 公私关系网络体系 multi-level governance rigid logic flexible logic public authority system public-private network governance system
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