对 8个品种精、糙米直链淀粉含量 ( AC)、胶凝度 ( GC)、糊化温度 ( GT)、体积膨胀系数 ( VE)、长度伸长系数 ( ER)5个性状的差异性进行了研究。结果表明 :1精、糙米间 AC无显著差异 ,在性状的筛选和品种评价过程中 ,糙米的测定可替代精米 ;2精、糙米间 GT虽有显著差异 ,但多重比较和相关分析表明 ,糙米各品种的 GT变化与精米趋于同步 ,糙米的测定亦可替代精米 ;3精、糙米的 GC相互替代尚不能定论 ,但可从糙米的 AC和 GC极显著相关得到补充信息 ;4 VE和 ER这 2个性状的精、糙米间差异显著 ,且精、糙米各品种测定值的变化并不表现同步 ,故不宜相互替代 ,糙米的 VE和 ER在食品加工和贮藏中将发挥一定的作用 ;58个品种的 5个性状差异均显著 。
Differences of amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC), gelatinization temperature (GT), volume expansion (VE) and elongation ratio of length (ER) between milled rice and brown rice in eight indica varieties were investigated. Results show that ① the AC and GT for milled rice can be replaced by those for brown rice in screening and evaluating program with some modification of measuring methods, ② no final conclusion has yet been reached on the matter of brown rice replacing milled one, but supplementary information can be gotten from AC in analysis of brown rice in GC evaluation, ③ the differences between milled and brown rice in VE and ER of brown rice could play a certain role, and ④ differences among eight cultivars in five traits are significant and the appropriate parents can be selected in genetic breeding and molecular marker.