测定不同类型25个水稻品种维生素 B_1、B_2品质的结果,维生素 B_1含量糙米0.299—0.436毫克/100克,精米0.087—0.195毫克/100克;维生素 B_2含量糙米0.068—0.092毫克/100克,精米0.029—0.043毫克/100克。在籼稻中,糙米维生素 B_1含量白米高于红米。糙米维生素 B_1、B_2含量随贮藏年限增加而递减,贮藏1年 B_1下降率为0—11%,B_2为0—9%,充氮贮藏可有效地保存稻米 B 族维生素的营养成份,可提供食品加工及营养保存作参考。
The vitamin B_1 and B_2 content of 25 rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties of differenttypes were determined.The results indicated that the vitamin B_1 content was rangedfrom 0.299 to 0.436mg/100g in brown rice and 0.087-0.195mg/100g in milledrice,while the vitamin B_2 content in brown and milled rice were0.068-0.092mg/100g and 0.029-0.043mg/100g respectively.In brown rice ofHsien varieties,white rice appeared to have higher content of vitamin B_1 than redrice.When keptin storage,the vitamin B_1 and B_2 content tend to decreaseprogressively as time goes by.After one year storage,the vitamin B_1 and B_2 contentdeclined by 0-11% and 0-9% respectively.Storage with nitrogen could preserve vita-min B_1 and B_2 effectively.The result of this study is therefore useful to food pro-cessing and nutrition preservation.
Acta Agronomica Sinica