In Civil litigation, denial containing reasons is the negative form for the purely denial. The de- containing reasons can effectively shaped the points in disputes than the purely denial to ensure Court of Justice carrying out substantial investigation of proof effectively. The denial containing reasons becomes manda- tory in the countries of continental law system, such as German, Japan. Whether the view stressed in prece- dent or theory, if the fact stated by the opposite side has been denied, the parties without the burdens of proof have to making a detail statement with adequate grounds, and the purely denial was commonly regarded as ille- gally and invalid that leads to taking the claimed fact stated by the other side as a recognized fact. The obliga- tion of denial containing reasons is an individual obligation based on the principle of good faith and moral. To balancing the distribution the disadvantage between two parties in the lawsuit, the parties without the burdens of proof should perform the obligation of denial containing reasons upon on the fact claimed by the other side meeting the specific requirements. However, in the case when the main evidences are under one party's, it's reasonably to permit for an exception that the parties without the burdens of proof have the obligation of denial containing reasons over the fact proposal stated by the other side.
China Legal Science