针对传统的溢流染色机控制系统故障率高、功能单一等问题,将S7-200 PLC技术应用到溢流染色机控制系统中,开展了溢流染色机工作流程与工作原理分析,建立了PLC技术与染色机控制对象之间的关系,提出了用PLC技术和MPI网进行控制系统设计的方法,实现了对染色机控制系统各设备的数据采集、控制等功能;详细介绍了系统的功能指标、硬件配置与输入输出点、模块化结构的控制软件等。研究结果表明,该系统结构灵活,参数整定方便迅速;同时通过对染色过程的编程控制,节省了人力与继电器元件,提高了染色机的工作效率及系统的自动化水平。
In order to solve the problems of high equipment failure in traditional spilled dyeing machine control system, the PLC technology and dyeing machine control object were investigated. After the analysis of machine principle of work and workflow, the relationship between PLC technology and spilled dyeing machine control system was established. The system design method using PLC and MPI network was put forward. It was realized that the system can control the equipment and get the system eqouiprment data. The system function, the configuration of hardware, input and output, control software modular structure were introduced. The research results show that the system is more flexible and so easy to overhaul. By programming control of dyeing process, labour and relay element component is reduced ,work efficiency is advanced greatly, the automation of primary dyeing machine has been developed.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering