
欠发达地区企业技术创新联盟构建策略 被引量:3

摘要 企业技术创新联盟有利于企业技术创新能力的提升,然而,欠发达地区存在着企业技术创新投入有限、技术创新人才缺乏、高新技术研发落后、战略性和长期性的产学研合作缺乏、政府有效支持不力等不足。因此,本文就欠发达地区企业可以通过构建企业技术创新联盟来加快技术进步,并从政府主导作用的发挥、企业资源整合与合作、鼓励高校和科研机构积极参与、加强学习能力培养、发挥技术创新战略联盟协同效应等方面,提出了企业技术创新联盟的构建对策与建议。 Technology innovation alliance of enterprises benefits to the improvement of enterprises' capabilities of technology innovation. However, there are several shortcomings of technology innovation in underdeveloped regions, which include insufficient investments, backward researches and developments of high and new technologies, lack of strategic and long-term university-industry-institute cooperations, shortage of effective supports from the government and so on. Therefore, building the technology alliance can speed up the technology progress in underdeveloped regions. And what is more, the paper puts forward the specific countermeasures of constructing the alliance in underdeveloped regions from the aspects of playing a leading role of the government, integrating resources and making cooperations among enterprises, encouraging universities and research institutions to participate actively, strengthening the cultivation of learning abilities, and playing the synergy effect of strategic alliance.
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2012年第9期31-34,共4页 Enterprise Economy
基金 2011年柳州市哲学社会科学规划课题"跨国汽车企业在华专利战略演变及广西汽车产业技术创新联盟对策研究"(批准号:10BEL06)
关键词 欠发达地区 技术创新联盟 构建策略 underdeveloped region technology innovation alliance construction countermeasures
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