In this paper, serial cultivation and clonal growth of normal human fetal nasophar-yngeal epithelial cells have been achieved in a low serum and serum-free medium, without fibroblast contamination. In the expiant culture the rapid multiplication and mitotic figures of epithelial cells were easily detected. Islands of ciliated epithelial cells were present in the early stage of outgrowth of expiant tissues. Gradually the epithelial cell under-went squamous differentiation. These nasopharyngeal epithelial cells could be passaged three to five times and be grown for periods of up to go days. Repeated transfer of ex-plant tissue to a new dish could initiate additional primary cultures for three to four times. Clonal growth rate was averagely 12 per cent in the serum-free medium containing all supplements and obviously reduced when deleting hydrocortisone and insulin in the medium. In the test of various serum concentrations, the clonal growth rate was highest when serum concentration was i per cent. Our experiments supply a new model for research of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences
Nasopharyngeal epithelial cells Serurt-free medium Serial cultivation Clonal growth