目的分析广州市2006-2010年甲乙类传染病流行特征,为今后制定防治措施提供依据。方法利用"疾病监测信息报告管理系统"对广州市2006-2010年报告的甲乙类传染病进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2006-2010年广州市甲乙类传染病共报告发病181927例,年均发病率为334.03/10万,高于广东省及全国平均发病水平,总体呈下降趋势。发病率居前4位的甲乙类传染病为肺结核、病毒性肝炎、梅毒和淋病,占每年甲乙类报告总数的90%。麻疹发病率显著下降。中心商业区与城乡结合部为高发地区,发病率较高的职业为家务待业、民工、工人和农民。结论广州市传染病防控工作的重点是降低肺结核、病毒性肝炎、梅毒、淋病的流行强度,同时应防范部分输入性传染病引起本地流行的潜在危险。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of class A and class B communicable diseases in Guangzhou, in order to provide references for communicable diseases control. Methods Class A and class B communicable diseases reported by the diseases reporting information system during 2006-2010 were analyzed with descriptive epidemiological method. Results There were 181 927 cases of class A and class B communicable diseases during 2006-2010. The average incidence rate (334.03/105) was higher than Guangdong province and the national average level, and the overall incidence rate was decreasing. The top four class A and B communicable diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), viral hepatitis, syphilis and gonrrhea, accounting for nearly 90% of class A and class B communicable diseases reported each year. The measles incidence rate had decreased apparently. The incidence of communicable diseases was high in the Central Business District (CBD) and combination area of city and country. The range of the career was housekeeper, civilian worker, worker, and farmer. Conclusion Emphasis should be put not only on the control of pulmonary TB, viral hepatitis, syphilis and gonorrhea, but also on the imported infectious diseases.
Journal of Tropical Medicine
class A and class B communicable diseases
incidence rate