
利用SRAP标记分析四川省芋种质资源遗传多样性 被引量:7

Genetic Diversity of Accessions of Taro(Colocasia esculenta Schott) from Sichuan Province Using SRAP Markers
摘要 在分子水平研究四川省芋资源的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,为芋种质资源的分类、保护和有效利用遗传资源以及新品种选育提供依据。本研究利用SRAP分子标记技术,使用28对SRAP引物组合对65份四川省不同地区芋种质资源材料进行遗传多样性分析,采用NT-SYS 2.1统计软件对数据进行分析,建立树状聚类图。扩增出并检测到341条条带,平均每个引物组合扩增检测出12.18条带,多态性带251条,多态率73.6%。UPGMA树形图表明,所用的SRAP引物组合可以将65份材料分成5类,分别与这些材料在园艺分类学上按母芋和子芋的生长习性分类基本相符,与以芋叶心色斑颜色、叶柄中下部颜色、母芋芽色及母芋肉色4种形态性状组合描述具有相关性。研究表明,从四川省不同地区、不同生态环境下收集的不同类型芋种质资源间存在着较丰富的遗传多样性,SRAP分析聚类结果与主要形态学性状分类基本一致,可以解释芋栽培种的进化关系。 The genetic diversity and relationship of taro(Colocasia esculenta Schott) resources were analyzed at the molecular level provide the base for the classification,protection and effective utilization of these resources and breeding new varieties.The genetic diversity and relationship of 65 taro accessions were analyzed by Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism(SRAP) markers.The data was analyzed by NT-SYS 2.1 software.Dendrogram was generated by UPGMA cluster.341 DNA bands were amplified by 28 different primer combinations,251 of which were polymorphic.The accessions were separated into 5 main groups based on the UPGMA cluster,the classification was basically consistent with the classification based on the growth styles of corm and cormel,basically concordant to the morphological description of 4 traits,including spot color of leaf center,petiole color(mid and base),sprout color of corm and flesh color of corm.There is rich genetic diversity in taro germplasms of different styles which were collected form different area and ecological environment.The classification based on the SRAP markers was consistent with the classification based on some primary morphological traits,and also explain possible evolutionary relationship in the cultivated taros.
出处 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期542-548,共7页 Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
基金 国家公益性行业计划(农业)科研专项(200903017-09)
关键词 SRAP 聚类分析 遗传多样性 形态性状 Taro; SRAP; Cluster analysis; Genetic diversity; Morphological trait
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