[目的]对苹果白兰地的酿造工艺进行初步研究。[方法]将经分选、清洗的苹果破碎、榨汁,添加活化好的果酒酵母进行发酵,主发酵过程每隔一天检测发酵液的温度、pH、酸度、糖度及气泡释放数。待糖度接近5~6°Bx进行倒酒,后发酵20~30 d,然后对酒液进行蒸馏;得原白兰地后,先进行加热保温人工快速陈酿,然后加入橡木片陈酿20 d。在陈酿前后,测定苹果白兰地的理化指标。[结果]22.5 kg苹果得果汁约16.56 L,出汁率73.6%(10 ml/kg);苹果酒蒸馏后的出酒率为20.0%;陈酿后的苹果白兰地较陈酿前色泽加深,呈棕黄色;酒精度下降,总酸度、固定酸、酯类和糠醛含量升高。[结论]所得苹果白兰地风味独特、质量上乘;该研究为促进我国苹果加工业的发展和白兰地酿造关键技术的研发提供了依据。
Abstract [ Objective ] The aim was to study the brewing technology of apple brandy. [ Method] As the activated wine yeast was added to the apple juice which was by sizing classification, rinsing, falling to pieces and squeezing, the preceding fermentation began. Every other day, parameters such as fermentation temperature, pH, acidity, sugar degree and releasing bubble numbers were detected. Once the sugar degree of the fermentation suspension was approaching 5 -60Bx, the latter fermentation started via pouring wine. After 20 - 30 days the apple winewas changed into original apple brandy by distillation operation. The last procedure was ageing which included two steps: man-made speediness ageing and oak wood ageing about 20 days. The physical and chemical compositions both before and after ageing were measured. [Result] 22.5 kg apple resulted into 16.56 L of fruit juice. The ratio of cider to apple was about 73.6% ( 10 ml/kg). The alcohol rate of distilled apple juice was 20.0%. The color of apple brandy was darker than that of original apple brandy. Alcohol level reduced, but total acidity, fixed acid, lipid and fuffural content rose. [ Conclusion] The apple brandy can be particular flavor and high quality by selecting befitting fruit, activated wine yeast and feasible brewing, distilltion and ageing technology. It will be good for the development of apple processing industry. and the research and development of key brandy technique.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Apple brandy