
论艺术取向教育研究方法 被引量:12

Art-based Method for Educational Research
摘要 艺术取向教育研究方法是一种新的质性研究方法。它将文学艺术、视觉艺术、表演艺术等多种艺术形式引入教育研究领域,使研究媒介和材料呈现方式超越传统文本、超越语言和国界,从而促进不同文化背景的人们相互理解与尊重,增强教育研究功能的深入性和延展性,并推动教育研究由技术理性向人文关怀转型。艺术取向教育研究方法具有研究媒介宽泛直观、研究过程易产生共鸣或移情、研究者角色变换自由、研究结果动态多元等特征。艺术取向教育研究方法应用的一般程序为:确定研究问题、建立委托关系、选择探究形式、明确参与者及呈现研究结果等。中西方哲学思想和认识论为构建艺术取向教育研究方法提供了理论基础。 Art-based method for educational research is a new kind of qualitative research, which has injected art with various kinds, such as literature, drama, dance, etc., into education research. It makes research medium and the material presentation mode extend the traditional text, language and national boundaries, and thus improves the mutual understanding and respect of people in different cultures, strengthens the in-depth and tractility of the function of educational research, and pushes forward educational research to human orientation from technology rationalism. Art-based method for educational research processes features as follows: research medium is extensive and intuitive, research process can easily arouse an echo or transference, the role~ of researchers can change freely, and the research results are dynamic and diversified. The common procedures of art-based method for educational research are to ensure research problem, construct clientage, choose investigating form and make clear the participants and the display of research results. Western and Chinese philosophical thoughts and epistemology offer us the theoretical foundation for constructing art-based method for educational research.
作者 李玲
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期11-15,共5页 Educational Research
基金 2010年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"构建城乡一体化的教育体制机制研究"(项目批准号:10JZD0041) 2009年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(西部和边疆地区项目)"全球教师专业发展与我国教师素质标准研究"(项目批准号:09XJA880012)的阶段性成果
关键词 艺术取向教育研究方法 质性研究 理论基础 art-based method for educational research, qualitative research, theoretical foundations
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