为了研究芹菜黄化突变的遗传规律及黄化突变体与正常个体的生长表现差异,对黄化突变自交系CE188H与正常绿色自交系CE155杂交的F2分离群体进行了性状观察分析,经卡平方(χ2)分析证明黄化突变与正常绿色的分离比例符合1∶3的分离预期,该黄色性状为质量性状,由1对隐性核基因控制,绿色性状对黄色性状为完全显性,且黄色性状的表现不受温度、光照等环境条件的影响。通过观察测定芹菜黄化突变自交系CE188H(yel yel)和正常绿色自交系CE188L(YEL YEL,与CE188H为近等基因系)的株高、展开度、叶柄长度、叶柄宽度、鲜质量、干质量,以及叶绿素、可溶性固形物和粗纤维含量,结果表明,该黄化突变体叶片中叶绿素含量仅为正常株的55.64%;黄化突变体CE188H在整个生长过程中叶片数量多于正常绿色自交系CE188L,平均为CE188L的1.18倍,但株高、展开度、叶柄长度、鲜质量、干质量显著低于正常绿色自交系,叶柄宽度、干物质含量、可溶性固形物含量无显著差异;黄化突变体CE188H的粗纤维含量是正常CE188L的1.23倍。黄色性状遗传稳定可作为苗期标记性状在芹菜杂种种子的生产和纯度鉴定中应用。
In order to study the genetic regulation and the difference in growth performance between the mutation and normal celery inbred lines,in this experiment we analysis the segregation of the yellow and green traits in F2 generation group that generated by self cross after crossing yellow mutation CE188H with normal green CE155 through χ2.The result proved that the two phenotypes in the F2 generation group was consistent with the ratio 3∶ 1 and the yellow phenotype was controlled by duad recessive gene.we also measured the index of plant height,open degree,petiole lengths,petiole width,fresh weight,dry weight,the content of chlorophyll a and b,soluble solids content and content of crude fiber of yellow mutation inbred lines CE188H(yel yel) and normal green inbred lines CE188L(YEL YEL) to get acknowledge of the difference between them.We found that the content of chlorophyll a of CE188H is 55.64 percent of CE188L.The leaf number of inbred lines CE188H more than normal CE188L during the grow progress,Also there was a significant difference between CE188H and CE188L in the content of chlorophyll a.There were no significant differences between two inbred lines in petiole width,dry matter content,soluble solids content and a/b values of chlorophyll.Only the content of crude fibre in CE188H is 1.23 times higher than CE188L.In seeding stage,yellow mutations can be used as a marker trait in the production of hybrid seed and purity identification in celery.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
Yellow mutant
Genetic regulation
Growth performance