从黄瓜雌性系 9110G中发现能稳定遗传的叶色突变体。该突变体子叶和第 1~ 2片真叶最初为金黄色 ,叶绿素含量约为正常株的 3/5 ,但随着叶片的生长这些叶片逐渐转绿。该突变体叶色黄主要是由叶绿素降低引起的 ,与类胡萝卜素无关。通过对亲本、F1、BC及F2 后代观察和叶绿素测定 ,证明该突变体是细胞核遗传 ,由单一隐性基因控制 ,并且绿色对黄色为不完全显性。该突变性状是研究光合系统和基因定位的好材料 。
The leaf color mutant found in the gynoecious line 9110G can be inherited stably and was different from the other mutants reported before.The cotyledon,first and second true leaf is golden at first.The chlorophyll content is about 60% of the normal line.With the growth of the mutant,the color of the leaf turn into green slowly and was same to the normal plants.By observing the phenotype of F 1?F 2?BC,testing the content of chlorophyll and analyzing genetic regulation,we can concluded that the mutant is nucleolus inheritance and is controlled by one pair of recessive gene,and green color is incomplete dorminance to yellow color. The yellow color is due to the decreasing of the chlorophyll.The mutant is a good material to research on photosynthetic system and gene position. And the mutant is also a useful marker to identify purity of F 1 hybrids.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica