诞生于20世纪60年代西方教育背景之下的以问题为基础(Problem-based learning,PBL)教学法,现已逐渐成为当代国际上较为流行的一种医学教学模式。鉴于中国现阶段的国情,该教学模式在应用中肯定会遇到各种各样的问题,而这些问题的存在无疑会影响教学效果的提高,加深对这些问题的认识及对其成因的分析,才能使未来的中国医学PBL教改更有成效。
Problem-based learning (PBL) was first introduced into medical education in 1969 in the western world. PBL grew in popularity and soon spread worldwide, and now it has become the trend of medical education throughout the world. However, there are a lot of problems related to the PBL model in the present medical education in our country, and all of these problems have their own internal or external causes when PBL is in service under the local conditions of our country. Deeper recognition and understanding of these problems and their corresponding causes can improve the effect of future PBL medical teaching reform in China.
Northwest Medical Education