The problem of the criminal witness has been neglecting in the field of procedural law of China. The value of the witness in surveillance and his probative function in litigation have not been fully recognized yet. The existing regulation of criminal witness is not only inattentive in content, but also ineffective in detecting acts and obtaining material evidence of those acts. This leads to an abuse of power and the distortion of the criminal law system, which in turn not only deviates from procedural justice, but also impedes the function of truthfinding. The Political philosophy of over-reliance on public power, the legal culture of"attaching importance to substance while looking down on procedure" ,and the emphasis on punishment as the end of litigation, have all affected the fine-tuning of the witness system and the realization of its intrinsic function. But trends in the transformation of proof,in the intrinsic principles of procedural legality ,and in the integrity of evidential proof and detection procedure, require that the matter of the criminal witness should be reexamined carefully. Only when eyewitness testimony as an independent litigation behavior is improved at procedural level and given certain legal effects, can the criminal witness be transformed from a technical matter to its proper role in the criminal justice system.
Evidence Science
Criminal witness
Litigation action
Surveillance proof
Legal effect