地区电网110 kV母线主要涉及到220 kV变电站110 kV侧母线以及110 kV变电站的高压侧母线,通过对地区电网110 kV母线运行方式的安排,从电网的稳定性、继电保护、电压合格率,网损率和N-1等方面进行了分析,并根据分析结果给出了地区电网110 kV母线运行方式安排的建议。
110 kV bus of regional grid mainly includes 110 kV bus of 220 kV substation and high voltage bus of 110 kV substation. From the stability,protective,voltage qualification rate, losses and N-1 on 110 kV bus operation modes, analysis of the three operation modes are performed in regional grid,and give some advices from the conclusion.
Journal of Electric Power