研究了中性蛋白酶(AS.1398)、碱性蛋白酶(2709)和双酶协同作用水解大豆分离蛋白的酶解液水解度与乳化和起泡功能特性的关系。研究发现:酶解液起泡性随水解度的增加呈上升趋势,而在不同酶解液样品中,起泡性以中性蛋白酶(单酶)酶解液最好。当水解度为20%时起泡性达到了(360±2.46)%。乳化性随着水解度增加而逐渐下降,其中以双酶复合酶解液最差(水解度为25%时乳化性最差,为17.60±0.80 mL/g)。
The relationship between the degree of hydrolysis of enzymatic hydrolysate of 5VI limited hydrolyzed by neutral proteinase(AS1398), alkaline proteinase(2709), cooperation of AS1398 & 2709 and emulsifying property & foamability were studied. Results indicated that foamability of enzymatic hydrolysate improved along with the increase of degree of hydrolysis. Among the different enzymatic hydrolysates, that of neutral proteinase (single enzyme) was the best which was 360% + 2.46% while degree of hydrolysis 20%. Emulsifying property was weakened along with the increase of degree of hydrolysis, especially for the one treated by double enzyme as low as 17.60±0.80 mL/g while the degree of hydrolysis was 25%.
Science and Technology of Cereals,Oils and Foods