
榆林25窟一佛八菩萨图研究 被引量:17

A Study of the Iconography of One Buddha with Eight Bodhisattvas in Cave Number 25 at Yulin
摘要 在吐蕃统治敦煌时期所开凿的洞窟中,榆林25窟是相对较特殊的一个,窟内南北两壁的观无量寿经变与弥勒经变延续了盛唐洞窟中经变画的构图、风格,而正壁残存的一佛八菩萨图在造像样式上与窟内其他图像则有一定的差别。从正壁残存的主尊、菩萨名号题记中可以发现,唐代不空译《八大菩萨曼荼罗经》能够与之相对应,但是该经对八大菩萨身形的描述与榆林25窟的图像有一定差别。此图像与藏经洞中的部分绢画具有类似的风格特征,其中一部分有藏文题记,表明它们与居住在敦煌的吐蕃信众有密切的关系,而藏经洞中发现的藏文抄写的《八大菩萨曼拏罗经》可以证明此地的吐蕃信众确实信奉这一经典。一佛八菩萨的图像在吐蕃本土拉萨及青海地区屡有发现,其中西藏昌都与青海玉树的两处摩崖石刻由高僧益西央开凿,年代均在九世纪初,这些遗迹说明一佛八菩萨图像在吐蕃本土的流传情况。在这几处图像与榆林25窟的一佛八菩萨的比较中可以发现,吐蕃流行的八大菩萨图样并不十分固定,但其构图和风格是基本接近的,而榆林25窟所采用的图像可能来源于吐蕃地区。 Yulin Cave Number 25 was unique among the caves constructed in the Dunhuang system during the period of Tubo(Tibetan) rule in that there is a distinct difference between the composition and style of the sutra illustrations(jingbianhua),Guanwuliangshou jingbian and Mile jingbian(Maitreya sutra illustrations),on the southern and northern walls of the wall which perpetuate High Tang traditions and the only remaining single Buddha and eight Bodhisattvas on the main wall of the cave.From the inscriptions on this single Buddha and eight Bodhisattvas,we discover when we compare it to the Tang Dynasty translation by Amoghavajra(Bukong) of the Mandala Sutra of the Eight Bodhisattvas that there are differences in the descriptions of the Bodhisattvas in that text with the eight Bodhisattvas depicted in Cave Number 25 at Yulin.However,the cave images do resemble stylistic features of the images shown on silk paintings recovered from the Sutra Cave at Dunhuang,some of which bear Tibetan inscriptions,showing that the Bodhisattvas were intimately connected with the beliefs of Tibetan residents of Dunhuang.The handwritten Tibetan version of Mandala Sutra of the Eight Bodhisattvas found in the Sutra Cave demonstrates that this text formed the basis of local Tibetan beliefs.Images of the One Buddha with Eight Bodhisattvas have been found in Lhasa and Qinghai,of which the cliff carvings in Changdu in central Tibet and at Yushu in Qinghai were carved by the eminent monk Yixiying in the early 9th century,demonstrating the spread of these beliefs throughout Tibetan areas.Comparing these other images and those in Cave Number 25 at Yulin we discover that the images of these popular deities were not fixed,but their composition and style was similar,and the images of these deities used in Cave Number 25 at Yulin probably originated in Tibetan areas.
作者 陈粟裕
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2009年第5期56-82,共27页 Palace Museum Journal
基金 中央美术学院罗世平教授负责的教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目课题<吐蕃时期的敦煌艺术研究>成果的一部分(课题编号:2007JJD770099)
关键词 榆林25窟 一佛八菩萨图 《八大菩萨曼荼罗经》 吐蕃益西央 Cave Number 25 at Yulin iconography of One Buddha with Eight Bodhisattvas Mandala Sutra of the Eight Bodhisattvas Tubo(Tibet) Yixiying.
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