159 of gastrointestinal cancer tissues and 76 translated regional mucosa were examined for the expression of p53 and rasp21 with LSAB immunohitochemical method. The results showed that the expression rates of p53 and p21 in the tumor region and the translated regionl mucosa were 55. 35% (88/159); 70. 44% (112/159) and 25.84% (23/89) ; 60. 67% (54/89), respectively . In the tumor region the positive rate of p53 was significantly higher than the translated regional mucosa ( P < 0. 01). Of cases with local lymph node metastasis the positive rate of p53 was 94.12% (32/34), but without lymph node metastasis was 44. 80% (56/125) . There were a striking differences between the two groups (P<0.01). And the deeper the invasion, the higher the positive rate of the P 53 except four rectal cancers . The co - expression rate of p53 and p21 was 40.25% (64/159), while single expression rate of p53 was 15. 0996(24/159). A significant difference was seen between the two groups . For p21 protein, higher expression was seen in the translated regional mucosa . The single expression rate of p21 was 30.1 % ( 48/159) and shouted little variation than the co - expression rate of p53 and p21. P53 - expression - rate was 66. 1596 (43/65) in women and 47.8% (45/94) in men . The former was significantly higher than the latter- Whereas the expression of p2lthere was little difference in sex. The expression of both oncoproteins showed little relationship to the position of tumor, pathologic type, histological differentiate and patient' s age . The results indicated that the development of gastrointestinal cancers were in close contact with oncogene mutation of p53, p21 and their product s effect . The occurrence of mutation of p53 was mainly in the progress and the metastasis of tumor; Occurring a mutation of p21 was before malignant change. So testing mutation of P53, p21 may be of special importance to early recognize the occurrence of malignant tumor and judge prognosis .