AIM: To analyze the reasons that patients do not undergo LASIK after preoperative examination. METHODS: A totally of 1 026 cases (2 039 eyes) were examinated before surgery. The reasons of 165 cases (296 eyes) did not undergo LASlK were analyzed. RESULTS: In 165 patients (296 eyes), 45 patients (89 eyes, 30. 1%) worried greatly about the surgery, the central corneal thickness of 36 cases (66 eyes, 22.3%) was nor suitable for LASlK, 22 cases (36 eyes, 12.1%) suffered from ocular fundus diseases, 14 cases (16 eyes, 5.4%) suffered from corneal diseases,12 cases (20 eyes, 6.8%) suspected glaucoma, 11 cases (22 eyes, 7.4%) had moderate and severe dry eyes, the corrected visual acuity of 6 cases (10 eyes, 3. 4%) was not ideal, 7 patients (14 eyes, 4.7%) had systemic diseases and 12 patients (23 eyes, 7.8% ) had other reasons. CONCLUSION: LASIK is quite optional. Communication should be strengthened between oculist and patient. The strict preoperative examination must be performed and its indication and contraindication should be grasped.
International Eye Science