目的 :探讨未行准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术病例的原因。方法 :对 15 99例中经检查后未行LASIK手术的 2 99例 (占 18.6 % )患者的原因进行了分析。结果 :2 99例中 15 3例对手术有顾虑 (占 5 1.2 % ) ;角膜厚度不足有 4 4例 (占 14 .7% ) ;角膜屈光力偏大 34例 (占 11.0 % ) ;矫正视力不良 2 9例 (占 9.7% ) ;高眼压 18例 (占 6 .0 % ) ,眼底病变 11例 (占 3.7% ) ;其他原因 10例 (占 3.3% )。结论 :LASIK手术有明显的选择性 。
Objective:To determine the reasons that patients did not undergo LASIK(laser in situ keratomileusis).Methods:The reasons that 299 examined patients did not undergo LASIK were analyzed.Results:Of 1599 examined patients,surgery was not performed on 299 patients(18.6%). Of these 299 patients,153 patients(51.2%) had some apprehension about the surgery;the corneal thickness of 44 patients(14.7%) was insufficient;the corneal refractive power of 34 patients(11.4%) was too high;the corrected visual acuity of 29 patients(9.7%) was not ideal;18 patients(6.0%) had high intraocular pressure;11 patients(3.7%) suffered from ocular fundus diseases and 10 patients(3.3%) had other reasons.Conclusion:A number of criteria strongly affected the selection of patients who underwent LASIK surgery and patients had obvious psychological factors preoperatively.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology