目的:探索应用高脂饲料加球囊拉伤的方法制备小型猪慢性心肌缺血模型。方法:先给予小型猪高脂饲料喂养2周后,戊巴比妥钠麻醉下分离右侧颈总动脉,以Launcher 6F右冠导引导管置于左冠状动脉开口,造影后置入球囊导丝,在导丝指引下置入2.5mm或3.0mm球囊至冠状动脉左前降支(left anterior descending,LAD)中部,以10atm打开球囊堵闭LAD,扩张3次。术后继续给予高脂饲料2月。结果:给予高脂饲料和LAD球囊扩张拉伤2月后,小型猪LAD造影显示内径变细,内壁粗糙,血清甘油三酯(triglycerides,TRIG)、胆固醇(cholesterol,CHO)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high density lipoprotein cholesterol,HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDL-C)、CHO/HDL-C比值均明显升高,猪LAD血管内膜增生变厚,内部可见丰富的泡沫细胞,并有粥样硬化改变,部分变性、坏死的心肌出现心肌纤维化增生。结论:应用高脂饲料加球囊拉伤的方法制备的小型猪模型,初步表现出慢性心肌缺血的病理改变。
Objective: To explore the method by using rich fat feed and LAD balloon injury establish chronic myocardial ischemic model in miniature swines. Methods : Miniature swines were anaesthetized with pentobarbital after feeding rich fat feed for two weeks. A Launcher 6F guiding catheter was positioned in the left coronary arterial ostium through the cervical incision, left coronary angiography was performed with C - ann. A balloon(2.5mm or 3.0mm), directed by the balloon wire, was introduced into the middle segment of the LAD to dilate the LAD 3 times by 10 atm. Rich fat feed was given to miniature swines for two months after operation. Results: After giving rich fat feed and LAD balloon injury in miniature swines for two months, coronary arteriongraphy showed the inside of LAD was thin, the inner wall of LAD was rough, the serum TRIG, CHO, HDL - C, LDL - C obviously increased, the endangium of LAD showed hyperplasy, thicken, affluent foam cells and scleratheroma changes, the cardiac muscle appeared larger area of degeneration, necrosis, fibroplasias by using histopathologic examination. Conclusion: Miniature swine model showed chronic myocardial ischemic changes by using rich fat feed and LAD balloon injury.
Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica