
一种基于线性伪量测方程的无陀螺姿态确定方法 被引量:2

Novel Quaternion Kalman Filter for Gyro-less Attitude Determination
摘要 基于一种新型的四元数伪量测模型,给出了一种无陀螺卫星姿态确定算法。该滤波算法不需要对量测方程作线性化近似,能够有效提高大姿态角情况下的姿态确定性能。并通过引入强跟踪性,使算法获得了更高的收敛性。仿真结果表明,算法能够有效的提高无陀螺卫星在初始消旋、三轴稳定等工况下的姿态估计收敛速度,并能够实现高速旋转工况下的姿态跟踪。该算法具有简明的线性结构,计算负担符合实时要求,结构简单,对硬件配置要求不高,尤其适用于低成本的微小卫星。 In this paper, a special linear quaternion pseudo-measurement model was introduced into gyro - less attitude estimator design. The estimator avoided linearization procedure, thus it was less sensitive to initial estimation errors as in the traditional EKF methods. Further more, a bias free estimator--strong tracking filter (STF) was introduced to strengthen the estimator. Simulation has shown that the strengthened estimator could greatly accelerate the convergence procedure without much increasing in calculation burden when applied for detumbling and 3 - axis stabilization mission. In another instance, where the satellite was rotating in such a high angular rate that the EKF failed to work, the strengthened quaternion estimator was still able to track the rapid changing attitude and rate. The estimator had a simple linear structure, and is adequate for real time application. It could be applied in a wild field, especially in low cost small satellite.
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期1290-1296,共7页 Journal of Astronautics
关键词 姿态确定 四元数滤波器 QKF 姿态角速度 强跟踪滤波器 Attitude determination Quaternion Kalman Filter QKF Angular rate Strong tracking filter
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