对照哈葛德长篇小说Joan Haste(《简·海斯特》)的原文,会发现林译小说《迦茵小传》中存在大量因文化差异、美饰原文等原因产生的误译,因删繁就简而造成的漏译,因加入注释、评述、创作而出现的增译,为营造古典意境而形成的个性化翻译等现象。通过这种"创造性叛逆"的翻译策略,林纾完成了对原作的"本土化"改造,使之既基本上合乎中国传统伦理价值观念和审美趣味,又传输了爱情自由、婚姻自主等进步思想。其文本中这种文化的中西合璧、古今通融,保证了它在近现代中国的"普适性",这是其取得成功的最大秘密。
A comparison of the original novel Joan Haste by Henry Rider HAGGARD and LIN Shu's translation version will reveal that the latter is fraught with mis-translation, pretermission and addition. In fact, the translation method of creative treason has localized this novel by adapting it to the traditional Chinese ethics, values and aesthetic sentiments. Mean-while, the translator conveys progressive ideas like the freedom of love and marriage. Therefore, the combination of China and the West, of ancient and contemporary culture, has guaranteed its universality in modern China and is the biggest secret of its success.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)