AIM : To explore whether or not ErbB2 - induced oncogenic transformation and invasion are mediated by FAK. METHODS: Parental FAK^-/- and FAK^+/+ cells were used and infected with retrovector particles expressing ErbB2 in order to acquire ErbB2 - overexpressed cells, i.e. , FAK^-/- - ErbB2 and FAK^+/+ - ErbB2. The role of FAK signaling was explored by analyzing the parameters such as cell survival, invasiveness and tumorigenicity shown by both FAK^-/- and FAK^+/+ cells in which ErbB2 was overexpressed. RESULTS: ErbB2 was overexpressed and functionally activated in both FAK^-/- and FAK^+/+ cells upon infection with retrovector particles. The ErbB2 -induced anchorage -dependent cell survival, cell invasiveness as well as tumorigenicity in vivo were dependent on FAK. CONCLUSION: FAK is essential for cell survival, tumorigenicity and invasiveness induced by ErbB2, and its possible mechanism involves in ErbB - FAK - Src - MAPK pathway.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology