
基于局部相似变换的网格变形复制 被引量:5

Mesh Deformation Clone Based on Local Affine Transform
摘要 使用标记点在源和目标间建立关联;然后根据源标记点移动目标标记点,非标记点在标记点的基础上进行变换;最后采用改进的约束方程对结果进行后处理,得到光滑变形结果.该方法不仅适合动画制作初学者,而且可以很容易扩展到非结构化表示的三维模型中,具有良好的通用性. The paper proposes a novel method to clone the deformation of a source mesh onto a target mesh while minimizing the distortion of the target mesh. Users can specify a small set of vertex pairs- called marked vertex pairs-to identify the corresponding vertices between source and target mesh. The source vertices in the marked vertex pairs will be transformed to their Counterparts in the target mesh. By using these transforms, the system computes the affine transforms for the rest of the mesh vertices on the target mesh locally based on the shape similarities. After deformation transforms for all the vertices of the target mesh are calculated, a smoothing operation is applied to the deformation result. The smoothing operation solves a constrained optimization problem based on some objective functions. A prototype system has been developed, and examples demonstrate that our system can easily create complex animations for new digital characters, and that our method can also be easily extended to unstructured data.
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期595-599,共5页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
关键词 数字动画 变形复制 局部仿射变换 网格光顺 deformations clone correspondence animation marker affine transformation
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