Objective: To determine the contents of berberine hydrochloride and baicalin in Gegen Qinlian tablets. Methods:A high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the determination.A Phenomenex C18 column(150mm × 4.6mm,5 μm)was used, with the mobile phase of methyl:KH2PO4 (45:65), at the detection wave length of 264nm. Result:The linear range of berberine hydrochloride was 10.05-40.20mg/l; the mean recovery was 100.1%;The linear range of baicalin was 25.2mg/l-100.8mg/l; the mean recovery was 100.5%. Conclusion: the method can be used in the qualitv control of Gegen Oinlian tablets.
Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine