目的为研究形成生物膜的细菌对常用消毒剂的抗力,以金黄色葡萄球菌和表皮葡萄球菌生物膜为对象。方法采用载体定量试验方法进行了试验观察。结果培养4 d的金黄色葡萄球菌生物膜对戊二醛和安尔碘耐受时间最短,作用15 min完全被杀灭;对含有效氯250 mg/L的84消毒液耐受时间最长,需要作用90 min方可达到完全杀灭。培养8 d的金黄色葡萄球菌生物膜对5种消毒剂(戊二醛除外)抗力均有所增强。其中对安尔碘耐受力延长到30 min,另外3种消毒剂杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌生物膜的时间均为90 min。培养4 d的表皮葡萄球菌生物膜对5种消毒剂抗力变化规律与培养4 d的金黄色葡萄球菌生物膜抗力基本一致。培养8 d的表皮葡萄球菌生物膜对戊二醛抗力与培养4 d者一致,对其他4种消毒剂抗力均有不同程度增强,特别是对84消毒液需要作用作120min方可完全杀灭。用游离金黄色葡萄球菌和表皮葡萄球菌滴染滤膜对5种消毒剂处理后,均在15 min内被完全杀灭。结论形成生物膜的细菌对消毒剂抗力比游离细菌强,随生物膜形成时间延长,抗力增加明显。
Objective To study the resistance of biofilm - forming bacteria to common disinfectants using Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm as the study object. Method Carrier quantitative test method was use to carry out experimental observation. Results The endurable duration of S. aureus biofilm cultured for 4 days to glutaraldehyde and An -er -dian (composed of 2000 mg/L available iodine, 4500 mg/L chlorhexidine acetate and 65% ethanol) was shortest and it could be killed completely after exposure for 15 min. The endurable duration to 84 Disinfection Solution containing available chlorine 250 mg/L was longest and 90 min was required for complete killing. The resistance of S. aureus biofilm cultured for 8 days to 5 disinfectants ( except glutaraldehyde) was increased with the endurable duration to An- er- sian being prolonged to 30 min and that to other 3 disinfectants being prolonged to 90 min. The regularity of change in resistance of S. epidermidis biofilm cultured for 4 days to the 5 disinfectants essentially conformed to that of S. aureus biofilm cultured for 4 days. The resistance of S. epidermidis biofilm cultured for 8 days to glutaraldehyde conformed to that cultured for 4 days and the resistance to other 4 disinfectants increased to various degrees, especially 120 min was required for complete killing by 84 Disinfection Solution. Free S. aureus and S. epidermidis dropped on filter membrane were completely killed in 15 rain by the 5 disinfectants. Conclusion The resistance of bacteria forming biofilm to disinfectants is higher than that of free bacteria and the resistance increases obviously with prolonging the duration after the biotfilm is formed.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection