Online group learning is an important collaborative learning activity in distance education. However, there is very little empirical research into how factors, such as the structure and composition of online learning groups, group members' belief in online learning and their affective dimension as well as their expectations of the tutors, might affect the learning outcomes. Based on experimental teaching practice and feedback from a questionnaire survey with follow-up written interviews, this paper argues that there are some properties shared by successful online learning groups, first, the group size is moderate (with a recommended number of 4-5 members) with some variance among the members in terms of academic background, proficiency and interest. Second, group members adopt positive attitude towards the facilitating roles of online group learning in their studies and are willing to put their commitment into action. Third, group members manage to achieve unity between collaboration and autonomy, cognition and affect, and personal success and group pride, hence enhancing self confidence, developing responsibility and increasing motivation, so as to build an interactive and relaxing virtual learning community where everyone feels equal and has fun. Finally, learners expect their tutors to play an active role in their online collaborative activities. In other words, tutors should design, organize and monitor online collaborative activities; in addition to passing on knowledge, they should be available to clarify puzzles and answer questions as well as impart learning strategies; they should also show adequate care for learners, confirming achievements, pointing out mistakes and encouraging creativity so as to create a desirable atmosphere of learning.
Open Education Research
online learning group
distance English language learning
distance education