This essay examines the trajectory of Western avant-garde movements in the 20th century, especially the relationship of group formation, typical of these avant-gardes, to the individual talent. I classify movements like the Russian avant-garde and Italian futurism according to various criteria and trace their rise and fall. How, for example, does Marcel Duchamp relate to the Dada movement and how did Dada dissolve? After surveying avant-garde movements broadly in the first part of the essay, I turn to the case of a contemporary avant-garde movement, Language Poetry. The essay details the theoretical principles of the Language movement, founded in the late 1970s, and then studies the way this radical movement has evolved over the past twenty years. Language poetics, closely related to French Post-Structuralist aesthetic and Marxist ideology, was gradually assimilated into the mainstream and its stylistic features absorbed into more conventional modes. The movement is now essentially over, but it has produced a number of important poets, for example, Susan Howe and Charles Bernstein,Lyn Hejinian and Steve McCaffery. These poets for example, Susan Howe and Charles Bemstein, Lyn Hejinian and Steve McCaffery. These poets typically transcend the movement of which they have been a part, and eventually find their own mode and style.
Foreign Literature Studies