
查尔斯·伯恩斯坦教授访谈录(英文) 被引量:26

Interview with Charles Bernstein
摘要 查尔斯·伯恩斯坦是美国宾夕法尼亚大学教授、美国艺术与科学院院士、美国语言诗派的重要诗人和诗歌理论家,著有30本诗集、3部学术论文集,曾获得众多诗歌大奖和资助。华中师范大学《外国文学研究》主编聂珍钊教授在访美期间从2006年12月到2007年2月以电子邮件的形式对伯恩斯坦教授进行了访谈。这次访谈广泛讨论了语言诗及其缘起和特征,伯恩斯坦教授的诗歌美学与诗歌技巧,以及他对于语言诗派与其他当代诗派、语言诗与英诗传统、诗歌与政治、诗歌的视觉维度与听觉维度和表演维度、中国诗歌与美国诗歌等各种关系的理解。伯恩斯坦教授认为,语言诗这一名称从20世纪70年代开始用来指涉一个喧嚣的美国诗歌时期,但它并非如有些人认为的那样是后现代主义或后结构主义的产物,而是与它们同时发生的运动,并对它们进行了尖锐的批评。语言派诗人都执着于诗歌创新,致力于从历史和意识形态的角度探讨诗学和美学、表现其对主流诗歌规范和美国政府政策的不认同。作为诗歌理论家,伯恩斯坦教授坚持实用诗学,反对诗歌作为无中介的透明表达。他认为,言语不能用来再现某一特定的世界,相反,言语可以用来更新世界;诗歌是阐释也是错觉,是现实也是幻觉;诗歌决不会脱离政治而存在,相反,它是纯粹的终结、是想象的开始;诗歌的真谛不在于情感而在于感觉,诗歌的功能在于强化审美体验。在访谈中,伯恩斯坦教授还以自己的部分诗歌为例阐述了自己的诗歌技巧和诗学追求。 Charles Bernstein is the leading poet and theoretician of Language Poetry, Professor of University of Pennsylvania, USA, and fellow of American Academy of Art and Sciences. As author of 30 books of poetry and 3 collections of essays, he is winner of numerous prizes and endowments. From December 2006 to February 2007, during his visit as a visiting scholar in the United States, Professor Nie Zhenzhao, chief editor of Foreign Literature Studies, Central China Normal University, interviewed Professor Bernstein via Email. This interview covers a wide range from the origin and properties of Language Poetry, his poetic aesthetics and poetic techniques, and his understanding of the relationships between Language Poetry and other contemporary poetic movements, Language Poetry and the traditional English poetry, poetry and politics, the visual dimension of poetry and its performative and sound dimensions, and Chinese poetry and American poetry. Professor Bernstein believes that Language Poetry is a term that has come to stand for a rather raucous period in American poetry, from the mid-1970s onward, and that it is not a product of post-modernism or post-structuralism as believed by some people, but is contemporary to them while often offering a sharp critique against the latter. Language poets engaged in a collective efforts to champion poetic invention and were interested in both an historical and an ideological approach to poetics and aesthetics and also a stand of dissent, both to prevailing poetry norms but also to U.S. government policies. As a poetic theoretician, Professor Bernstein holds a pragmatic poetics and is opposed to unmediated personal expression, believing that words cannot be used to represent a given world but it can be used to make the world anew. For him, poetry is as much a product of delusion as illumination, illusion as reality; it is never detached from politics but instead it is the end of innocence and the beginning of the imaginary; it is more about the sensation than feeling, and is to intens
作者 聂珍钊
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期10-19,共10页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 查尔斯·伯恩斯坦 语言诗 美学 政治 诗歌技巧 Charles Bernstein Language Poetry aesthetics politics poetic techniques
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