Based on Paulhus's Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding, we constructed the inventory of Social Desirability Responding (SDR) for university students. The results show that university students scored highly on SDR. SDR correlated significantly with all the factors in NEO Five Factor Inventory and EPQ. When the students were divided into three groups by total scale score of SDR and two subscales of SDR (students' scores in high group exceed the scale means by one standard deviation, students' scores in middle group fall between the range of mean ± 1SD, and students in low group were less than mean plus 1SD), Alpha coefficients in high SDR groups were always the highest. SDR were used as control variables when point hi-serial correlations with the criterions were calculated, the results show that predictive validity of EPQ and FFI cannot be improved. These mean that SDR cannot be seen as error variances that diminish test reliability and validity.
Education Science