比较研究了不同浓度三氮苯类除草剂对水稻幼苗生长、叶绿素及可溶性蛋白质含量、根尖分生组织染色体结构、分生组织和叶绿体蛋白质组分的影响。结果表明,在0.1 mg/L Atrazine处理水稻后培养1周,幼苗高度由(10.8±1.7)cm(对照)降至(8.2±0.7)cm,叶绿素含量由(1.07±0.013)mg/g FW(对照)降至(0.97±0.013)mg/g FW,可溶性蛋白由40.4 mg/g FW(对照)降至29.3 mg/g FW。Atrazine可明显影响染色体结构,以0.01 mg/L处理水稻时,有0.68%的细胞中发现染色体凝集,0.86%的细胞中有微核存在,该现象出现频率随Atrazine处理浓度的提高而增加。用2D-PAGE分析,在0.1 mg/L Atrazine处理后,根尖分生组织中2种新的蛋白质组分诱导产生,8种蛋白质组分消失,1种叶绿体蛋白质组分消失,3种蛋白质组分含量减少。Atrazine引起幼苗生长,叶绿素和可溶性蛋白质含量及根尖分生组织、叶绿体蛋白质组分变化的临界剂量为0.1 mg/L,引起水稻染色体凝集和微核形成的临界剂量为0.001 mg/L。
In this paper, the comparative studies on the effects of triazine herhicide Atrazine on seedlings growth, contents of chlorophyll and soluhle protein, chromosome structure of root meristem, protein compositions of root meristems and chloroplast have been made in Oryza sativa. The seedlings growth was obviously reduced from (10.8 ± 1.7) cm (control) to (8.2 ± 0.7) cm, chlorophyll contents were decreased from (1.07 ± 0.013) mg/g FW(control) to (0.97 ± 0.013) mg/g FW, and soluble protein contents were decreased from 40.4 mg/g FW (control) to 29.3 mg/g FW when seedlings were treated with 0.1 mg/L Atrazine for 7 days. 0.68% cells with chromosome condensation and 0.86 % cells with micronuclei were revealed in root meristems when the root meristems were treated with 0.01 mg/L Atrazine. The frequency of chromosome condensation and micronuclei formation were increased with the increase of Atrazine concentration from 0. 001 mg/L to 10 mg/L(Tahle 4). In 2D SDS-PAGE, 2 new protein spots were induced and 8 protein spots were lost in root meristems, 1 protein spot was lost and contents of 3 protein spots were decreased in the chloroplast when seedlings were treated with 0.1 mg/L Atrazine. The threshold concentration ohviously affected seedling growth, contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein, protein compositions of root meristems and chloroplast was 0.1 mg/L. The threshold concentration induced the chromosome condensation and micronuclei formation was 0.001 mg/L.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
Supported by Foundationfor University Key Science and Technology bythe Ministry of Education of China(02010).