报道了阿特拉津 (Atrazine)在农田灌溉水及土壤中残留量的分析方法。采用气相色谱氮磷检测器 (NPD)石英毛细管柱测定。通过对一起特大污染事故对农田灌溉水及土壤的污染进行的跟踪监测 ,掌握了在自然环境条件下阿特拉津在农田灌溉水中经过1年时间仍有检出 ,其降解率为99.5 %。在受污染的农田土壤中阿特拉津在作物生长期内 (6月上旬—11月上旬 )均可检出 ,其降解率为87.9 %。
In this treatise, we reported an analytical method for determination of atrazine residue in cultivated land and irrigation water, respectively, using gas-liquid chromatography coupled with silicon fused capillary column plus NPD for detection. It has been noticed that atrazine residue had been detected after even one year in a polluted irrigation water under natural condition, although 99.5% of initial pollutants disappeared. This persistent herbicide had been also found in contaminated soil during plant growth period (the first 10 days of June to November) with degradation rate of 87.9%.
Agro-Environmental Protection