本文通过田间试验与室内测定相结合的方法,比较了精稳杀得和稳杀得的药效及应用技术,明确了精稳杀得施药剂量(商品量)、时间,方法和防除杂草的种类与稳杀得相同,但除草活性比稳杀得高一倍左右。该农药也在禾本科杂草4—6叶期喷药,每公顷宜用0.75—1.0升,防除马唐、稗草、千金子等杂草的效果达95%左右。每公顷使用500—750克(ai)防除多年生双穗雀稗的效果达89.7—9 4.8%,精稳杀得的药效也受杂草叶龄、土壤湿度的影响。对棉花、大豆生长均安全,增产显著。因此,精稳杀得具有稳杀得同等的杀草效力和相同的应用技术。可见,精稳杀得可完全取代稳杀得。
<Abstract >In order to compare the weed control effect and application techni- ques of SL-236P with those of SL-286, contrast experiments were conducted in both cotton and soybean fields and laboratory. The results showed that the opti- mum dosage, application time, application techniques and weeds species contro- lled of SL-286P and SL-236 were the same, but the weeding activity of SL-236P was one-fold higher than that of SL-236. SL-236P should be applied also at the stage when grass weeds had 4-6 leaves as SL-236. When SL-236P was applied at dosage of 0.75-1.0 litre/ha.to control Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochloa crusga- lli, Leptochloa chinensis etc., its control efficiency was about 95%. SL-236P was applied at dosage of 500-750g.ai/ha.to control perennial Paspalum distichum, the effect was about 89.7-94.8%. The weed control effect of SL-236P was influ- enced by weed growing stage and soil humidity as SL-236. SL-236P application was safe to cotton and soybean plants and could increase crop yields significan- tly. Since SL-236P had the same weed control effect and application techniques as SL-236, it could be substituted for the later.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
Active ingredient
Optical isomer
Weeds in cotton and soybean fields