During the reform of China's civil procedure toward the Party Doctrine, emphasizing the burden of proof of the involved party will, to some extent, lead to an inappropriate adjudication because the Courts prefer to adjudicate the disputed issues by legal reasoning through the burden of proof. From the author's point of view, however, legal reasoning and the burden of proof which serves as the big prerequisite of the syllogisms of the reasoning are people's ways of thinking reflecting their experience and judgment in settling legal issues. The burden of proof only applies when the Courts finds it hard to settle an issue. The burden of proof is not necessarily undertaken by the party who holds the evidence. In a situation of non liqllet, the judgment made by the Courts may be inconsistent with the fact, thus may not refleet the specific justice. Therefore, this article, based on the domestic and international theories and judicial practices, tries to probe into the effective legal strategies to deal with the issue of avoiding adjudications made through the burden of proof.
The Jurist